Team Appreciation BBQ

happy hour crown roller mill building stone arch bridge minneapolis minnesota civil engineer land surveyor landscape architect urban planner drone operator elk riverTeam Spirit Sizzles at Happy Hour BBQ!

The sun was shining, the grill was fired up, and it was time for our much-anticipated team happy hour BBQ to celebrate our collective effort and success!

The aroma of Kramarczuk’s brats filled the air on our second-floor patio overlooking the Mississippi River and historic Stone Arch Bridge. From classic brats to cheese-stuffed brats, there was something for everyone to enjoy. We paired these mouthwatering eats with fresh charcuterie and Donkey Chips and salsa, a tangy, yummy combo that had us reaching for seconds (and thirds!).

Of course, no celebration is complete without a refreshing drink. We had an array of ice-cold beers to wine and plenty of non-alcoholic choices to keep everyone hydrated and happy.

But the true highlight of the evening wasn’t the food or drinks – it was the chance to connect with our excellent team outside of the office. We shared stories, swapped jokes, and enjoyed each other’s company. It was a reminder of why we love working together and the incredible things we can achieve when we collaborate.

So here’s to our team—the dreamers, the doers, and the ones who make every day a little brighter. Cheers to your hard work, dedication, and the memorable places we create together.

Until our next adventure, keep the team spirit sizzling!

#LifeAtLandform #CollectMomentsNotThings