Celebrating MLK Day: Honoring Courage, Compassion, and Community

martin luther king jr day civil engineer minneapolis land surveyor elk river lidar drone minnesota urban planner landscape architectTake the First Step: Reflecting on MLK’s Legacy of Faith and Action

“Faith is taking the first step even when you can’t see the whole staircase,” said Martin Luther King Jr.

That kind of wisdom feels just right for a Midwest winter—where we trust that every icy step gets us closer to spring, even when it’s 20 below zero or the snow’s coming down sideways. This MLK Day, let’s honor Dr. King’s legacy by taking small but meaningful steps in our communities. Whether lending a hand to a neighbor, volunteering at a local food shelf like CAER in Elk River or Joyce Uptown Food Shelf, or just showing kindness in the checkout line, those little actions ripple out farther than we can see.

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