Eric L., MBA, PE

Residential Studio Lead

Mr. Luth is the Lead for the Residential Design Studio. As a graduate of the University of Minnesota, College of Science and Engineering with a Bachelor of Civil Engineering and an MBA from Globe University, he brings an advanced perspective to the Residential Design Studio. His diverse expertise in commercial, residential, multi-family, industrial and public improvement projects has pushed his drive to create visualizations of socioeconomic, ecological, and land-use communities and projects for neighborhoods and cities that are more efficient, balanced and eco-friendly. He has a balanced approach to uncovering potential impacts on development and project management and leverages technologies to increase efficiencies in design and plan production. Mr. Luth is a fully dedicated, hard-working professional with astute attention to detail who consistently strives to deliver best-in-class planning services for every client.

a color photo of staff at the downtown Minneapolis office of Landform Professional Services LLC. This was shared by Minneapolis Minnesota company Landform Professional Services that offers: Landscape Design, Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning, Urban Design, Civil Engineer, Drone Operator, Landscape Designer Civil Engineering, Land Surveying and drone/aerial operations for small, medium and large businesses and residences throughout the USA. You can contact Landform at